Saturday 12 October 2013



Wind energy is basically a type of solar energy. Winds are caused by uneven heating of the atmosphere by sun and creating the hot air to travel upwards. In order to replace the vacuum the cold air from nearby region moves to the area producing winds. It is also produced by the irregularities in the earth surface and the rotation of the earth.


The form wind power or wind energy is the process by which the wind will produce mechanical or electrical energy. Wind is basically carrier of kinetic energy in it. As we know energy can be converted from one form to another. So this kinetic energy is transformed to Mechanical energy and than to electrical energy. Mechanical energy can be also used in Grinding, Crushing and pumping water. When this mechanical energy is used to move turbine it produced electrical energy which is used for power in homes, Schools, Hospitals etc.


Lets come to the point that how the wind is converted into electrical energy. We have seen the pedestal fan or ceiling fan which uses the electrical energy to produce wind. The wind turbine simply is the vice verse of that. Wind turbine uses wind energy to produce electricity.


Wind turbine capture the wind kinetic energy and convert it into the electrical energy. Its consists of three aerodynamic designed blades. These blades spins a shaft which is connected to the generator that produces electricity.
The wind passes over the blades giving lift just like the air craft blades and produces spinning to the gear.


Mainly there are two major types of wind turbine. Horizontal axis turbine that are mostly used in tradition farm mills for the pumping of water and the Vertical Axis Turbines Darrieus Model, named after its French inventor. Most large modern wind turbine are  horizontal axis type.


  • Blade or Rotor which converts the wind energy to the spinning of the shaft.
  • Drive Train usually of the gear box and a generator.
  • Tower that support the blades and drive train mechanism.
  • Equipment like cables, control box, ground supports etc. 

 Wind Turbines are coupled with bulks in the area called as the wind farms from which the electricity is fed to Grid and distributed to the selected sectors as conventional distributions.

Turbine Size and Power Ratings:

Wind Turbines are of different sizes in respect of the Power generation needed fro the Turbine. Its diameter can vary up to 120 Metres and height is more than two stories building and it generate power sufficient to run a small town of 1500 houses. Small turbine for homes and small business units are of 30 feet high and diameter of 8 to 25 inch. Utility scale turbines are in range of 70 to 800 KW.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Wind Turbines:  

Non Polluting Source of energy:

Wind energy is free renewable resource of energy that is still be used today and can be used in future. It is the environment friendly resource. Unlike other Power generation mechanism Wind energy is complete pollution free technique and is also the very efficient energy resource. 

Cost Parameters:

The cost factor is involved while keeping in mind the production of energy from the wind. The initial cost of equipment, installation and the land preparation is very expensive if we compare it with the bio fuel technology. But on the other hand if we incur the cost of raw material like, fuel, oils etc for the production of energy than Wind energy is the free source as no raw material is required for the energy production.

Transportation and Location of Turbines:

The wind turbines are limited to be installed only in specified areas where the required wind is available for the power generation. Mostly these areas are far from towns and from there the transportation of the wind Turbine to site is a problem. Also the generated electricity from the site to the near by town also need cost for the transmission lines to be laid to the Grid. 
Wind cannot be stored also but this can be overcome by the batteries installation that stores electricity. The wind speeds also vary and the design for different ares are different on the complete study of environmental factors involved.

Wind Energy is no doubt an efficient and renewable energy resources in coming future. As we human kind need new energy source due to our growing population and these energy resources are not only reliable, environmental but also in long run cheap. More research is needed and we will surely control the parameters of less and cost effective Wind Turbines in coming future.

Friday 11 October 2013


Our world is changing nowadays and the source of energy is the basis of the world to sustain in future. Research shows that as the usage of the Petroleum increases up to 60% the petrochemical of the world reservoir will come to an end near 2025. Engineers and Scientist has researched a lot and many sources of energy are now adopted by the world for the usage in coming era. One of them is the BIO FUEL technology. 


Bio Fuel is most commonly known source of alternative energy in coming era of human race. 
Bio Fuel is natural alternative from other Fossil fuels that is attained from living or biological material which is just died.
Usually Bio Fuel is produced by using Ethanol from naturally grown plant matter which will help environment friendly earth.
For the production of Bio fuels mostly Plant and manufacturers use Corn, Corn Cob, Sugar Cane, Soyabean, fla seed, rapeseed, vegetable oils, waste cooking oils, animal fats, tall oils and from cow manure also.


Bio fuels are produced by very simple process even in the own small garage. From the oil used for frying food etc is collected. Even the vegetable oils can also be used for the production of bio fuels. Then the fuel is heated at high temperature to reduce the viscosity. After this process all the raw materials should be removed by filtration and the bio fuel is ready to be used. These fuels can only be used in the Diesel engines and the results are excellent.

Another process for the production of bio fuel is fermentation. This is the same process from which beer are produced. The final product is Ethanol. Ethanol can be directly used as fuel or either is is mixed with gasoline to increase the octane value of fuel and its environment friendly also.

Mostly the Sugar industry produce the Ethanol from the fermentation process of starch or sugar and its produced now worldwide as the Bio fuel production.


Basically there are three major types of bio fuels as Solid, Liquid and Gaseous Bio fuel. Bio diesel is a liquid bio fuel used in the engines in place of Petro Diesel. The bio gas like Ethanol is the gaseous Bio fuel used in many country of world with success. Saw dust, wood chips are the solid bio fuels but these are not common and are not used at industrial state.


The basic advantage of bio fuel is that its environment friendly even some amount of carbon dioxide is being produced while burning of Bio Fuel  but its percentage is very less than from the burning of Petro fuels. 

Also its an edge that engines using Bio fuels has much greater life than that of diesel engines as its provide much better residual and also less residual is produced even in the burning process of the Bio fuels.


Bio fuel has also some disadvantages on the other hand to advantages. For the production of large scale Bio fuel large land is required for the cultivation of the seeds and the corps which is used as the raw material for the production of Bio fuels. In the day top day increasing population its been a problem to vacate so much land for the production for corps.

But in my opinion the world will have to click this technology today or tomorrow as its the best replacement to the Diesel and Petro chemical.